Catering is a good food business. But spending hours in the kitchen preparing hundreds or thousands of kueh? Too time-consuming and labour intensive too. Is there a catering, manufacturer or any reliable supplier who can provide you with high-quality, authentic-tasting kueh supplies in bulk? Look no further. Nani’s Frozen Food is here! With Nani’s Frozen […]

Good news! We might have just the solution for you. Nani’s® is a food manufacturing company based in West Malaysia which produces frozen pastries and confectioneries in a 9,600 sqft humble factory, running at 200,000 pcs monthly supplying to whole Malaysia and also export-ready. Our 13 range of nani’s products including daifuku Mochi are Halal

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FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY Satu produk yang sama dari sudut pandang fotographer yang berbeza, akan memberikan feel yang berbeza. Some people can recreate good photos, but can never brings out the same feel from the photo. Photographer tugas depa mengeluarkan kecantikan daripada subjek yang depa shoot dan nampak dalam hasil gambar yang diambil. (This is my personal

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